sketch design for school building interior
The Brede School at the Stationskwartier understands learning to be a journey. In this proposal the specific architecture of the building itself is used as a framework in order to represent that journey. A continuous image-strip travelling through the interior over the concrete construction of beams and pillars brings the outside world inside. Zigzagging it’s way from the ground floor upward this strip takes us on a journey above different horizons and through constantly changing skies. The choice for depicting air is based on its abstraction and the space it leaves for interpretation and imagination. On the last floor the depicted sky gradually starts darkening, and the stream of images eventually end on the roof in a manner that implies that the journey continues in the direction of the stars.
Community School Stationskwartier, Rijswijk, 2014
Material: print on foil
Size: 0,4 x 100 m
Commissioned by: Brede School Stationskwartier and The Municipality of Rijswijk